HomeVisiting St. Louis Like a LocalWhat Do You Do, When There’s Too Much To Do?


What Do You Do, When There’s Too Much To Do? — 4 Comments

  1. Looks like you have plenty to choose from! I’d probably end up staying home and reading a book. 😀
    Deborah responds: Ahh, Jill. You do tempt.
    I could stay in my pjs all weekend. How tempting. And, although I spend my life surrounded by books, I read less now than I did before B&N.

  2. So many choices there – how will you decide?
    I do like the thought of curling up with a bottle of vino and a good book – ahhhhh.
    Deborah responds:
    Jerry, don’t make it harder for me to resist the book, OK?
    I’m seriously considering the Van Gogh movie Fri afternoon and then the Balloon Glow after that.
    On Sat. maybe Faust Park during the day and the Webster Blues Festival in the evening.
    Then on Sunday, I’m drawn to the sunrise at Cahokia Mounds and the one sure bet is the Cardinal game in the afternoon.

  3. Seriously have fun whatever you choose and what a wealth of choices to have. Personally for me Chris Botti. Enjoy this time Deborah.
    Deborah responds: Yeah, Chris Botti is one of my faves.

  4. BRAVO, an excellent selection of hometown cultural options. See, you spent all that time trying to find a way to get out of town and look what you found in your own back yard. If the timing is right I may even be able to accompany you to at least one event if you want.
    Deborah responds: Your on, Sharon. Any or all of it except the ball game on Sunday. It’s a fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer and I’m going with my daughters as a surprise for a friend who organized it. What is your schedule for Fri &/or Sat? How about Mary, Jess, Irene, Jane, et al?