HomeBeing a TravellerGifts For Friends in Other Countries


Gifts For Friends in Other Countries — 3 Comments

  1. Deborah, I can so relate to this. One time I took some presents to the Philippines (when I went home to visit) and what to my horrofied state was on the labels but “Made in the Philippines”! Now I check labels… 🙂

  2. Welcome back! However, I am waiting a bit to praise you for your return to see if you really ARE gonna blog, at least periodically, as opposed to intermittently.
    VERY much looking forward to seeing you in Paso next month.

  3. I just discovered your blog and I am enjoying it very much! I also live in St. Louis and am an avid book reader. Where do you sell books?
    Please keep blogging!
    Cyndi Martin
    Deborah responds:
    Hi Cyndi, thanks for the note and thanks for finding my blog. I’m the community relations manager at the Fenton Barnes & Noble (141 & Gravois).
    Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post. We just returned from a month in Estonia. I’m really going to try to be better at blogging this trip.