They Call Them “Modern” Roads – ROADS
The PhotoHunt theme this week is ROAD. So my photo is that of a “modern” road in Montenegro.
There are four designations of road in this beautiful country. International Roads have a number assigned to them — on the map. Don’t expect to see highway signs telling you the road number, however. These roads are easy to recognize, they are paved and have lines painted down the middle. In a few heavily trafficked areas an international road might have a stretch that is divided with two lanes going each direction. But most of the time they are only two lanes with a third slow traffic lane on very steep grades. There are only six numbered roads in all of Montenegro.
One step down are the Regional Roads. Which are also easy to recognize. They are paved and always have two lanes. That is, they are wide enough for two compact cars to pass each other without one of them falling off the cliff or the other plowing into the mountain side. They don’t, however, usually have a strip down the middle. So don’t count on the other driver giving you an even half of the road.
This leads us to the third classification of road, and the subject of my PhotoHunt post — the Modern Road. A modern road is defined as one that is paved and often a full lane and a half wide.
There are, of course, the random herds of livestock which always have the right of way.
As well as the right to lie down for a rest on the nice warm pavement if the mood strikes.
With a bit of luck, the cow will pick a spot that allows you to squeeze past without mishap.
But, no worries. If you have an accident along the way, you will always be within a few dozen meters of the telephone number for a tow-truck. These numbers are thoughtfully painted on every imaginable vertical surface where accidents might happen. Like I said, every few dozen meters.
Oh, yes, I almost forgot to mention the fourth and final classification. The Local Road. Local roads are unpaved, and not quite as wide as your car. You will need to remember to fold your mirror in on the side that hugs the cliffs. Otherwise you might knock it off. This photo was a little deceptive. We were actually able to get through this tunnel without folding in our mirrors and a good 6 inches on either side of the car to spare.
Don’t think we’re complaining, though. We absolutely LOVED driving all over the pile of rocks called Montenegro. It was from those very roads that we enjoyed amazing views like this.
Those are some pretty freaky roads. Who knew that there was something out there that would make logging roads in Northern Ontario look civilized!
What a wonderful little journey down some wild and woolly roads! I cracked up to see the livestock and then the cow relaxing in the road. Thanks for sharing this and have a nice weekend, Annie
Deborah, Fabulous shots. How exciting your Montenegro travels must have been!
Wow! What interesting roads and stories behind the roads. I can’t imagine having to drive around animals … oh wait, I guess you could technically say I drive around animals (of the human kind) all day long where I live. *grin*
That road through the rock is amazing!
Write From Karen
Oh my stars! I just loved your road post. 🙂
I’m sitting here eating my blackberry icecream, and a new batch of cherry just went into the freezer.
Great post Deborah! I love the comparison. The roads with the livestock remind me of Colorado (although I have only seen sheep and cattle on the road – no goats though). I love the Local Road the best and especially the way you led up to it. And the view… incredible! Happy Weekend!
Thanks everyone, for your comments. It has been fun combining PhotoHunt with our trip reporting.
Next week’s assignment is “VIEW”. Shouldn’t be too hard. 😀
Terrific photos! I’m enjoying so much reading about your recent travels to a part of Europe that I know very little.
Your livestock on the road pictures reminded me of my homeland, Puerto Rico, where it was (is) very common to come across all sorts of animals while driving.
Have a nice weekend!
LOL – love the animals in the road – classic. Reminds me, I had a road shot from Abruzzo of a dog sleeping in the middle of the road during siesta. Guess I could have used that too.