Not-Grappa-Soaked Not-Mini Sponge Cake(s)
This week Palma selected pan di spagna con grappa. Page 80 in Gina’s Dolce Italiano.
It looked delicious. But, I don’t like grappa. Oh, yeah, and I don’t own mini-bundt cake pans.
So, here is my less than perfect rendition.
I used a regular bundt pan. And since I knew I wasn’t using grappa, but hadn’t yet decided what I was using for the glaze, I decide the most universal thing I could put in the batter to replace the tablespoon of grappa was limoncello. Lemon flavor will compliment almost anything, right?
I thought I would use vin santo, but then I noticed an old bottle of homemade strawberry liqueur. I made the syrup using the 1/2 cup instead of the 3 tablespoons and I left the 1/4 cup water out completely.
I think my syrup may be a little bit thinner that the recipe intended, but it soaked in really well and I had enough left over to drizzle on the whipped cream.