HomeHoochFrom Abysmal Failure to Spectacular Success in Only Three Years


From Abysmal Failure to Spectacular Success in Only Three Years — 4 Comments

  1. I have nothing but admiration for this talent of yours. I don’t have the patience to make something and wait three years to see the result. Brava!
    Deborah responds: Oh, Maria. I wasn’t waiting for it to be wonderful. I just accidently stored it instead of dumping it down the drain. ::grin:: And, that is the first time anyone called my hooch making a talent. LOL. My husband calls it insanity.

  2. I was reading along and thinking, “I don’t remember tasting any of Deb’s sun-dried tomato liqueur at the SlowBowl…” Kept reading – and AHA! It wasn’t there! (At least my memory’s not shot. Yet. 😀 ) Looking forward to tasting it at SlowBowl VI!

  3. Me again. 😀 I just looked at the date of this post… didn’t you take the s-d-t liqueur to SB in 2009?? I could swear I remember hearing about it there. Or was that you talking it up? ;p
    Deborah responds: Yes, Colleen, I broke down and took my last bottle to SB 09. How could I deny my peeps my best?
    But then, when everyone was picking their favorite to take home with them, I selfishly kept the SDT for myself.