HomeFoods That I Have LovedThe Virtues of Coffee


The Virtues of Coffee — 6 Comments

  1. This is hilarious!
    What does “cherishes the animal spirits” mean, I wonder?
    Deborah responds: I wonder that too. Some really strange language.

  2. Well, Deborah, did you try the receipt? If so, please tell us the result? Good? And..what,pray tell, is a “well-thinned” vessel?
    Deborah responds: LOL, Jane. I don’t pretend to be able to translate, I just copied it, word for word.

  3. What an interesting book and post this is… I am not sure if I am one of the valetudinarians of the jentacular beverage, but I sure like my coffee in the morning. 🙂
    Deborah responds: tee hee, Eden!
    Wait until tomorrow’s post.

  4. Great book! I would be curious to hear how the coffee tastes after following the instructions if anyone ever gives it a try. I saw a documentary on the history of coffee a while ago. It was quite interesting.