HomePhotoHuntPhotoHunt – BAGS


PhotoHunt – BAGS — 14 Comments

  1. Scary warning – I would have skipped those too.
    I also thought of bags under the eyes but fortunately, I don’t have a photo of mine. Would have been a great scary Halloween photo though!

  2. I miss those tiny jelly cups:) and it’s good to read the instructions/reminders at the back of the bags from time to time. Happy Halloween!

  3. Fun take on the theme this week πŸ™‚
    We used to have a similar candy with lychee or something in the middle sold in all the stores here in Hawaii about 7 years ago. I think they were from Japan or China. They were very popular until kids started choking on them. They disappeared from the shelves after that. That might be why there are warnings now on the bags.

  4. Hi Deborah, Great photos and very funny for this week’s theme. That’s a pretty long list of warnings. Sticking with safe would’ve been my choice too. πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Thanks for not buying the gelcups.
    They are a very dangerous choking hazard, and shouldn’t be anywhere near a child or elderly person.
    I believe they are not sold in Canada now.