HomePhotoHuntPhotoHunt – YELLOW


PhotoHunt – YELLOW — 27 Comments

  1. I’ve certainly recognise the style despite not being able to retain the name in my head. Maybe once I see one of his creations “live”? I do like the (what looks to me like) spring onion design on closeup, but the third shot reminds me of golden bean sprouts. Or rays of sun. πŸ™‚
    Here’s mine: my first participation in Photo Hunt!

  2. Oh, how beautiful! My first question is, how do they protect that against harsh winters or wind storms? That is just gorgeous! MY hunt is up, come see what 65 looks like in some places of the world!

  3. Yep – distinctively Chihuly. His work really works well outdoors in a garden. And perfect for the theme of Yellow.

  4. I love Dale Chihule’s work. I would KILL to own a piece. Sigh… one day. (I mean one day I will own one… not that one day I will kill for one…LOL!)

  5. You’re right, I recognized it as by the same artist as pieces I’ve seen elsewhere. But, I have never seen this art glass in such a setting. Wouldn’t this be lovely with a huge background patchwork of tulip varieties?

  6. Great photos! I have some photos of his work from the exibit came to SF. And here I worried that I would not have any yellow pics. So, I went for something else…

  7. I just love these photos! It’s been awhile since I’ve been there as I now live in TX so it’s nice to see photos from there. πŸ™‚
    Mine is up…I’m just running behind visiting everyone else.