Cabo Vilan & The Serpent
After we left Mike Tyson at the cafe, we decided to drive over to Cabo Vilan to the lighthouse.
After braving the strong winds to climb up to the base of the light we got back in the car and followed the coast road to Praia de Traba before turning back south toward Ponte do Porto before heading home for dinner.
This entire drive was completely deserted. We didn’t see a single car. What we did see was some beautiful coast line.
This beach is called La Playa de los Ingleses. It takes its name from the 1890 wreck of the Serpent during a violent storm. A wreck in which 172 English sailors were drowned. There were only three survivors. They managed to find their way to Camarinas to tell the villagers what happened.
The villagers went to the beach, recovered the bodies and buried them on the beach, creating what is now know as The English Cemetary.
It is a windy and lonely place. Dan and I commented that if there was any place that would be haunted, it would be here.
1890, not 1980…
Deborah responds:
Good catch, Chiara! I’ve fixed the typo. Thanks!